Dr. Zhiqiang Lin is a Distinguished Professor of Engineering, and the Director of Institute for Cybersecurity and Digital Trust (ICDT) at The Ohio State University. His research interests center around systems and software security, with an emphasis on (1) developing automated binary analysis techniques for vulnerability discovery and malware analysis, (2) hardening the systems and software from binary code rewriting, virtualization, and trusted execution environment (TEE), and (3) the applications of these techniques in Mobile, IoT, Bluetooth, and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. He has published over 150 papers, many of which appeared in the top venues in cybersecurity. He is an IEEE Fellow, an ACM Distinguished Member, a recipient of Harrison Faculty Award for Excellence in Engineering Education, NSF CAREER award, AFOSR Young Investigator award, Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, and Distinguished Paper Award from IEEE S&P as well as Distinguished Artifact Award from NDSS. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Purdue University.