$ Last updated: Thu Jun 20 09:31:23 AM EDT 2024 $


  • 05/08/2024, Unpacking the Threats of All-in-One Mobile Super Apps [PDF], Distinguished Lecture at Washington State University.
  • 05/02/2024, Rethinking the Security and Privacy of Bluetooth Low Energy [PDF], Gerald M. Masson Distinguished Lecture at Johns Hopkins University
  • 04/15/2024, Rethinking the Security and Privacy of Bluetooth Low Energy, Distinguished Lecture at George Mason University


  • 10/17/2023, Unpacking the Threats of All-in-One Mobile Super Apps [PDF], keynote at The 26th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2023), Hong Kong.
  • 08/11/2023, When Super Apps Become Operating Systems: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly [PDF], invited talk at Snap Inc., Santa Monica, California
  • 06/07/2023, When Super Apps Become Operating Systems: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly [PDF], invited talk at Tencent Inc., Guangzhou, China
  • 06/01/2023, Rethinking the Security and Privacy of Bluetooth Low Energy [PDF], invited talk at Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 04/18/2023, Unlocking the Potential of Domain Aware Binary Analysis in the Era of IoT [PDF], invited talk at the Cybersecurity Club meetings at OSU
  • 04/13/2023, Rethinking the Security and Privacy of Bluetooth Low Energy [PDF], invited talk at Washington University at St. Louis
  • 04/07/2023, Unlocking the Potential of Domain Aware Binary Analysis in the Era of IoT, Distinguished Talk at Cybersecurity Symposium at Arizona State University
  • 03/03/2023, Unlocking the Potential of Domain Aware Binary Analysis in the Era of IoT, Keynote at Workshop on Binary Analysis Research (BAR)


  • 12/06/2022, Towards Distributed and Virtualized Trusted Execution Environments [PDF], invited talk at 2nd Program Analysis and Verification on Trusted Platforms (PAVeTrust) Workshop (PAVeTrust)
  • 12/01/2022, Rethinking the Security and Privacy of Bluetooth Low Energy [PDF] [Youtube], invited talk at Future Edge Networks and Distributed Intelligence AI-Edge Seminar Series
  • 11/30/2022, Rethinking the Security and Privacy of Bluetooth Low Energy [PDF], invited talk by the Splice group at Dartmouth College
  • 10/25/2022, Rethinking the Security and Privacy of Bluetooth Low Energy [PDF], invited talk at Seoul National University
  • 10/17/2022, Rethinking the Security and Privacy of Bluetooth Low Energy [PDF], Computer Science Colloquium at Purdue University
  • 10/14/2022, Rethinking the Security and Privacy of Bluetooth Low Energy [PDF], Computer Science Colloquium at Michigan Technological University
  • 10/03/2022, Why do we do Research in Cybersecurity? [PDF], panel discussion at 16th International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS 2022)
  • 09/30/2022, Rethinking the Security and Privacy of Bluetooth Low Energy [PDF], keynote at The 5th International Workshop on Attacks and Defenses for Internet-of-Things (ADIoT 2022)
  • 07/27/2022, Towards a TEE-based V2V Protocol for Connectedand Autonomous Vehicles [PDF], invited talk at the 3rd SGX Community Day Virtual Event
  • 07/14/2022, Towards Distributed and Virtualized Trusted Execution Environments [PDF], distinguished lecture at School of Electrical and Information Engineering in University of Sydney
  • 02/03/2022, Using Symbolic Formal Verification to Identify State Continuity vulnerabilities in Enclave Programs [PPTX], invited talk at Trusted Computing Center of Excellence (TCCoE) Summit


  • 12/10/2021, Towards Distributed and Virtualized Trusted Execution Environments [PDF], Keynote at 4th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in New Computing Environments (SPNCE'21)
  • 12/06/2021, Understanding the Security and Privacy of Bluetooth Low Energy [PPTX], virtual talk at exploreCSR@OSU, Labs Latex source
  • 10/05/2021, Why Cybersecurity is Hard [PPTX][Youtube][Bilibili], Community Forum Session at OSU Cybersecurity Days
  • 08/19/2021, Software Security: Past, Present, and Future [PDF], Keynote at the 3rd International Workshop on Cyber Security and Data Privacy (CSDP'21)
  • 08/03/2021, Unveiling Insecure and Privacy-Risky Practice in Mobile Apps with Automated Program Analysis [PPTX], Invited talk at the systems security summer school at ZJU
  • 03/26/2021, Uncovering Vulnerabilities in Bluetooth Devices with Automated Binary Analysis [PDF], Keynote at the International Workshop on Mobile and Pervasive Internet of Things (PerIoT)
  • 03/11/2021, Towards Confidential Computing with Trusted Execution Environment [PPTX], TDAI Speaker Series
  • 03/09/2021, Privacy of COVID-19 ContactTracing Apps [PDF], Panel Discussion at the 16th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference (WONS 2021)


  • 12/04/2020, Automatically Uncovering Vulnerabilities in Bluetooth Applications from Binary Code [PDF], virtual talk at UCI
  • 11/14/2020, Hacking Bluetooth For Fun and Profit [PPTX], virtual talk at exploreCSR@OSU, Labs Latex source
  • 11/06/2020, Challenges in Digital Contact Tracing [PDF], virtual panel at IPCCC'20
  • 11/04/2020, Understanding the Attack Surface of Automotive IoT [PDF], virtual talk at UW Madison
  • 09/04/2020, Confidential Computing in the Era of Data Economy [PPTX], Lightning talk at faculty retreat in CSE OSU
  • 04/21/2020, An App Centric Approach for Vulnerability Discovery in Mobile Platforms [PDF], virtual talk at VMware


  • 11/07/2019, Automatically Uncovering Vulnerabilities in Clouds From Mobile Apps [PDF], distinguished lecture at IBM Research Almaden